29 Sept 2019

My Best Quality - September Posts

I find it really difficult to talk about myelf, so I have hated the prompts like these where it asks me to talk about my personality because I don't really know my own personality. I just sort of exists. I am the Harry Potter in my own story; whilst I might not be very interesting to myself, I am interesting to a lot of other people.

So I am not really sure what my best quality is for myself, however other people have told me that I am very patient, which is not a bad quality to have at all being completely honest. And now that I think about it, I do have a lot more patience than many people I have encountered.

For example with an old lady in a shop, if she is taking a while to pack up her stuff, I wouldn't feel obliged to tell her to hurry up like some people would. Or in a queue in a shop that's taking longer than usual, many customers would complain whereas I don't really comment or say anything snarky to the poor cashier who has had to deal with all these grumpy customers all day.

Yes, something may be inconveniencing you, but don't take it out on anybody as it is usually out of their control. Just accept that it has happened and carry on with the rest of your day. That is something that a lot of people can learn.

Thank you for reading, apologies that this is not as long as my usual posts, as mentioned I don't really know what to write when it comes to my personality. Hope you enjoyed this post and keep a look out for the next one!

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