25 Sept 2019

A Simple Pleasure - September Posts

If you didn't know already, I have a love for dogs. Any dogs at all. And getting to pet a dog just makes me really happy. Still to this day my favourite day at university was when one of my classmates brought her dog in.

I treat all dogs like my babies and I would love to adopt one! Unfortunately due to the contract I currently have at the house where I am staying, I am unable to have a dog, but I would still like one. I keep trying to tell my house mates to get their parents to come up so I can meet their dogs. (wow this is really starting to sound creepy)

When I see a dog walk past me on the street it does make me very happy, especially if they actually come up to me. Dogs just make my day so much better and I cannot wait for the day when I can finally bring a good boi home!

Sorry about the shorted post today, but I really do not know how I can make this post longer without it becoming boring or creepy so I thought I would stop while I was ahead. Thank you for reading!

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