9 Mar 2020

The Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag

I came across this book tag and was intregued by the title. The Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag - What is that, I thought, but when I actually read a couple of posts and thought I really wanted to give it a go! So here we go, this is my version of The Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag. First things first, here is what you need to do:
  1.  Pick Five Books
  2. Turn to a Random Page
  3. The First Name you see gets to be on your Zombie Survival Team 
  4. Apply the characters to the 10 Situations and types of people in order that you got them 
  5. Fret over how doomed you are. 
Here we go. The Five books I picked are:
  • Let It Go: A Twisted Frozen Tale by Jen Calonita
  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
  • Cinder by Merissa Meyer
  • The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
  • HotDog Girl by Jennifer Dugan 

And now the results:

Let It Go: A Twisted Frozen Tale by Jen Calonita

1) The First Person to Die: Anna

I am so sorry, probably shouldn't have picked a Disney Book for this tag but there we go! 

2) The Person you trip to get away from the Zombies: Kristoff

Oh dear, I have just killed off the main couple in the Frozen Franchise...Sorry Disney!

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

3) The First Person to turn into a Zombie: Cath

I am so sorry Cath, all you wanted to do was to read the final book in your favourite series! Maybe that is something you can do in the afterlife!

4) The Person that trips YOU to get away from the Zombies: Wren 

Well, she ditched Cath when they moved to university together, so I can't say it is not expected that she would trip me to save herself.

Cinder by Merissa Meyer

5) The Idiot of the Team: Prince Kai 

Sounds about right to me, sorry Kai. 

6) The "Brains" of the Team: Cinder

I mean, I guess it could have been a lot worse, and she helped herself get out of a lot of sticky situations so maybe we are not in as much trouble as we initially thought?

The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde

7) The Team's Medic: Dorian 

We could be in trouble. 

8) The Weapons Expert: Basil

Not what I expected, but okay....

HotDog Girl by Jennifer Dugan

9) The Brawler: Lou

This could be a problem. Lou does not seem to be the most confrontational person in the world and she is extremely awkward, so I don't see her being great at fighting Zombies. She will probably apologise to them for biting her. 

10) The Team Captain: Nick

He seems to know what he is doing, so it may not be the worst choice for team leader...

Well, everything could have been a lot worse, but it could have been a lot better too so, maybe I have a 40% of surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with this team? I really enjoyed doing this tag, and if you have any other fun book tags to do please let me know! Thank you so much for reading! 

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